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Thursday, 5 July 2018

Lifestyle Photography at Temple Newsman - Fiona, Gary & Benson

Last night I met up with another cute family and their doggie called Benson at Temple Newsam for a Lifestyle Shoot, Benson also brought his fav toy along his brightly coloured doggie frisbee that apparently he takes everywhere with him 😂

Our Lifestyle Shoots are super relaxed and very informal, so really no need to stress at all about having fun whilst we create some magical memories just using our awesome Nikon 70-200 2.8 lens (fav lens), we like it as natural as poss with little directions along the way.

We wandered around the grounds of Temple Newsam (the grass was looking a little worse for wear but we are not complaining about this gorgeous summer we are having) and just chatted along the way getting to know some more about Fiona & Gary whilst Benson just did his thing, I think he defo was looking forward to a dip in the lake later on as we made our way down there. 

The grounds really are a perfect choice for this type of shoot and theres so many places I was literally spoilt for choice

Below we have some highlights from last nights fun


K x

If you have a cute doggie and like what you see and want to do something similar get in touch

All full size images are available to view HERE with options for downloads & print purchase

To enquire about our WEDDING/LIFESTYLE PHOTOGRAPHY just click HERE for our desktop site or HERE for our mobile and tablet site and get in touch

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