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Sunday, 28 June 2009

Ring Shots

Wherever I Lay my Hat

Lisa & Stephen

A Fabulous Portrait of a great couple.

Lisa & Stephen

Running Shot

You don't want to mess with these guys !

Great bunch of lads though :-)

The Guys Part 2

The Guys

Lisa & Stephen outside at Healds Hall

Healds Hall Liversedge

Full Wedding Party

The Crowd

Everybody celebrate's the Marriage of Lisa and Stephen while they show each other their love .

View from the Back

The Kiss

Lisa and Stephen have their first kiss as husband and wife !

Smiles all Round

The Look !

Just look at Stephens face as he turns round to catch Lisa coming towards him !

Stephen waiting Patiently

Stephen and Sid wait the arrival of the Bride !

The Gorgeous Lisa

Here's Lisa just before we head off downstairs to get Married !

The Dress

Lisa's Gorgeous Wedding Dress

Lisa arrives at Healds Hall

Lisa Arriving at Healds Hall


A Shot of Lisa's sister Karla


Some cuties there yesterday !

Saturday, 27 June 2009

Lisa & Stephen

Just got back from Lisa & Stephen's Wedding....Will get more images as soon as !