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Wednesday, 3 January 2018

London Trip 2017 - Photography in London

Well as we are trying to blog more personnel stuff how would you like to see out trip down to the capital city last week for pre New Years Eve celebrations? Yes I hear you say, oh ok then :-)

We decided to take a week or so off from our business, everything was turned off and shut down as we really did want to enjoy to festivities and new year celebrations. We had booked a room at Premier Inn County Hall in London (just round the corner from the London Eye, what an awesome view out the window we had, room 601 for reference)

The last time we were here was over a few years ago for a birthday celebration view the post HERE

It really is nice to get lots of memories wherever you go and using this blog to keep the memories alive, all images used in the blog post were shot on the small compact travel zoom Panasonic TZ100 (shot in raw plus all shots were hand held or with the camera resting on a wall of some description). 

I really would have loved to take the Nikon D750 but was thinking travel light plus the small form of this camera allowed me to be a lot more discrete when getting some of the shots, plus it does have an awesome zoom from 25mm to 250mm optical zoom.

We started off at Leeds Train station and caught the train down to Kings Cross in London where when we arrived it wasn't too busy so managed to grab a taxi quite easy (they had updated the taxi queuing system also which did make things a lot easier too). It was nearly sunset when we arrived so riding in the taxi we got to view the beauty of London all starting to light up, it really did look great through the steamed up taxi window :-/

Below we have a few shot from our Xmas/New Year trip to London (would so love to shoot a wedding down here)

All in all I have to say the small and compact Panasonic TZ100 shooting in raw & jpeg was a little marvel, even with the low light shots in pretty much darkness with noting but the lights of the buildings etc it really did a great job, also so small and compact allowed me to be a lot more discrete getting shots without some people realising, a great camera for street photography!

Read all about the camera HERE

Prop the fav shot of all the few days in London hanging out room 601 at dusk to get the ambient light

Leeds & Kings Cross Train Station

Awesome view

Bit busy

Saw a wedding shoot going on so had to catch a few snaps

How good does that look shot on the Panasonic TZ100 in raw, just a little noise reduction in photoshop

Awesome sky day though a little chilly

The Panasonic TZ100 shoots panoramic too, but only in jpeg mode

Awww how cute

A big red London bus

Selfie stick

A quiet moment on Whitehall

Didn't see the PM

Now that defo looks a boring job just sat there all day

The mall entrance to Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace

The famous balcony at Buckingham Palace

Getting creative with the light and sunset

Big Ben had scaffolding all around it

Dusk in London

Some shots from a Thames Boat Trip all hand held with iso set to over 8000 on the Panasonic TZ100 (this camera is awesome)

Tower Bridge

Getting a bit creative with some low light traffic trails resting the camera on the road side barriers


Another Panoramic