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Monday, 29 February 2016

Engagement Party In Huddersfield - Allyson & Andy

On Saturday we had an Engagement Party for one of our closest friends that we have known for 30 years plus, Allyson,  who recently met the most wonderful man Andy who actual works for Sky News ( how cool is that ) 

We heard of their engagement as Andy treated Allyson to a weekend away to ' pop the question ' we were so excited to hear the news guys :-)

As these guys are such special friends to us, even though we were going to celebrate their good news we just had to take a camera along to get a few relaxed shots as we love shooting special events capturing all the fun & laughter

Massive congratulations to the most nicest couple Allyson &Andy and looking forward to celebrating the special day with you guys

Here are just a handful of shots from Allyson & Andy's Engagement Party