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Monday, 28 December 2009

Infra Red Version's

Infra Red Version's of the 2 previous Images

Emley Moor

Another HDR Image...This time of Emley Moor !

Castle Hill

Went out earlier today with a view to get some images that i could have a play with in photoshop to turn them into a hdr image.

Hdr means High Dynamic Range

Anyway i thought this looked pretty good...taken up emley looking over to Castle Hill

Thursday, 24 December 2009

Snow Images

Thought i would share a Snow picture with all you Blog lovers !

Sorry for the image quality...this was originally taken on a Blackberry !

By me ;-)

Monday, 7 December 2009


A Shot overlooking the hills in Howarth from our visit on Sunday

Scene from Howarth

Usually end up in Howarth around December most years...This year i took the camera along for the ride...Just love some of the images you can capture in this place....This is the path that leads up to the Bronte Graveyard and museum

Mrs Image-I-Nation Photography

For all you Blog lovers out there...Here's a shot of Mrs Image-I-Nation ! ;-)

Christmas lights in Mirfield

This is how we do it in Mirfield...This is a house up the road from us...What Christmas spirit they have...They have been doing this for years now ! :-)

Sunday, 6 December 2009

Tuesday, 1 December 2009


Congratulations to all the recent bookings for 2010.

Teri & Joe,Tilly & Anthony,Lisa & Paul,Tim & Paula,Lindsay & Craig,Helen & Brian,Sarah & James,Emma & Paul,Claire & Chris, Etc

We have nearly filled our quota for 2010....So if you are interested in booking

Image-I-Nation Photography
for your special day....sooner rather than later ! ;-)

Nichola & John

Another one from Nichola & John

Saturday, 28 November 2009

Rachel & Will Wedding Album

Rachel & Will Wedding Album

Emily & Aiden Wedding Album

Emily & Aiden Wedding Album

Lisa & Stephen Wedding Album

Lisa & Stephen Wedding Album

Diane & Jonathon Sim 2000 Album

Diane & Jonathon Sim 2000 Album

Nichola & John in Sepia

Nichola & John

John joins in on the action !


Nichola has a relax for a minute

The Gang

Morley Hayes - Derby

Love this one of Nichola & John....She couldn't keep a straight face :-/

Just love the expression on Nichola's face though....:-)

Mr & Mrs Logue-Worgan - part 2

True Love - ;-)

Mr & Mrs Logue-Worgan

Nichola & John

A Shot of Nichola & John from last weekends wedding in Derby

Friday, 27 November 2009

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Nichola,Mum,Dad & Bridesmaids

Cracking up ! :-)

Getting in the Dress

Mum tying the dress up also helped by Sarah the bridesmaid

Nichola checks her Veil out

The Guys

Nichola and the Dress

Nichola checks out the Dress !

The Garter

Here's a shot of the garter that Nichola wore....Just part of all the little details that make up your special day !

We will capture them all ! :-)

The Shoes

The Dress

Here's a shot of " The Dress "

The Gang - Nichola,Mum & Bridesmaids

Smiles all round here !

Nichola & Mum

Nichola & Mum Check out the Flowers

Sarah & Mr Image-I-Nation !!!!

Yes that is me with the other bridesmaid Sarah ! ;-)

Clare - Bridesmaid

All the way from U.S.A...One of Nichola's Bridesmaids....Clare !