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Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Taking care of Business

Ok so we decided to do a blog post about ' LOOKING AFTER YOUR CAMERA GEAR '

Normally at weddings we have 4 camera bodies with us and quite a few lenses 
( all pro gear f2.8 lenses ) with Nikon FULL FRAME Dslr's & 1 DX 

All this gear does NOT come cheap ( i wish it did )

We also have various gadgets like our fab Lowel ID Video light, wireless triggers, led panels, tripod, monopod, plenty of memory cards, batteries, chargers etc etc and that's before you start with processing gear plus numerous hard drives etc :-/

We ALWAYS back up each and every single wedding to at least 3 ext hard drives plus keep all selected raw files plus processed jpegs on disc too

When you consider the amount of time spent on a normal wedding day can poss be up to 14 hours ( we did one the other week with Rachel & Frank ) we really think our packages are reasonable considering processing time, albums, signing boards etc etc

You also need to know your gear inside out, back to front, the difference between good & bad light, how to react to shots, how when NOT to shoot etc etc

Our packages on our web site have a full breakdown of what we offer, all including a 
FULL DAYS attendance at your wedding with ALL the high resolution jpegs on DVD for your very own personnel use

Today was spent, part of it, making sure every single camera, lens plus our bags were all sorted out and stuff unused binned ( nothing like a good sort out )

The main bag is now somewhat defo slightly lighter :-)

We did a check on our Nikon camera bodies to see the shutter count and the life left in the cameras ( hopefully ) , that's why as a wedding photographer you get one chance to shoot the day so you NEED BACK UP!!!

There are the stats from today's camera shutter count check, if you want to check yours then click this LINK

This link will give you the life left in your cameras plus tell you the shutter count, always great to keep a check

We have our own style of wedding photography, we shoot…

Creative - FUN - Upbeat - Vibrant Wedding Photography in all the Yorkshire areas and surrounding places

If YOU like what we do? The best thing to do is check out our WEB SITE ( stalk us we don't mind ) then if you still like what you see get in touch with us to check availability and for a friendly chat, we are always here on email for any questions

Click HERE to email us

Thanks for taking the time to read this post

Kev :-)


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