Carmen & Daniel really did make it so easy to capture lots of shots yesterday and they really do have the cutest 2 girls Isabella & Sophia (who suffered the tragedy of dipping her foot and getting a wet sock as you can see in the pics) though Carmen was super quick scooping Sophia up with her quick mummy reactions so no harm done! (apart from a damp sock)
As we walked over 2 miles around Hardcastle Crags chatting, laughing and generally being silly (like you do) I captured some really natural & fun shots in the time and really did have a fun afternoon with this lovely family, on the way back Carmen mentioned I was such a likeable kind of guy and that really did make my day so thanks for the kind words Carmen!
Our style of Engagement & Lifestyle shoots is FUN & NATURAL, minimal posing and not setting up loads of lighting which really can create a more formal atmosphere which we really don't favour!
Check out some shots from our hook up on Saturday with an awesome family
To view all the images used in this blog post in full size please click HERE, there is availability for print purchase, downloads amongst lots of other options
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Look at all them lovely Bluebells
Eager to pose!
Lets dance guys
Come on Kev this way
Scream if you wanna go faster guys
Sooooo funny
Anybody would have though it was chilly? It was a lovely warm afternoon really
Oh no we got a foot in the river!!! This was too much of an opportunity not to get the shot!
Sockgate! Ringing out the sock, note to self next time bring a some spares haha
Oh no there she goes again! 😂😂😂
Carmen won the arm wrestle #girlpower
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