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Sunday, 9 October 2016

Wentbridge House Wedding Showcase October 2016

Just back from the Wentbridge House Wedding Showcase for Autumn 2016, and its always really nice to catch up with all the fab Wentbridge House staff & all the highly recommended suppliers at the wedding showcase events

The sun was shining, the sky was super blue and the clouds looked epic ( well at least for the first few hours before Mr Rain came along )

Massive shout out to all the couples that dropped in to check out Wentbridge House with a view to booking their date plus the couples that came by that have already secured their date and looking at suppliers and what we offer.

Thanks to the 3 couples that secured us today, we met one of them a few weeks ago now when we hooked up for a chat about their fab day at the parents house ( thanks to Nicola & Sam and mum for the scones )

Below we just have a few shots from earlier at the super busy Wentbridge House wedding showcase ( I do try sneak off to get some shots even though I am there to showcase what we do )

To enquire about our wedding photography please just get in touch via the Contact Page on the web site HERE


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