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Friday, 5 June 2015

Unplugged Weddings? Good or Bad?

As we now find more & more people at each & every single wedding have smart phones etc and throughout the day, especially Bride & Groom walking down the Aisle shots where folk are leaning out that much we can't actually see the couple :-/ Do any of the shots inside a dimly lit church actually come out not blurred on smart phones? I wonder?

With our super Nikon ' Full Frame ' cameras that go up to a staggering 12800 iso and beyond WE have the tools the capture your wedding without any blurry, out of focus shots!

Do you think it's acceptable to ask all your wedding guests to switch their phones off and enjoy the day? Or do you like the fact that as soon as you so I DO your pictures will be all over facebook?

We have stumbled across a great feature on the Your Perfect Wedding Photographer web site/blog that we have taken some screen shots and added below

Let us know what you think in the comments box 

See the feature in full HERE


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