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Monday, 23 April 2012

Rachel & Dan

Had the most awesomest day yesterday at Woodlands Hotel in Leeds with Rachel & Dan

When I suggested going for photo's in every break in the weather not once did they moan and they seemed to really enjoy every single minute.

We got some absolutely cracking shots.

At Image-I-Nation we are all about FUN....not ticking off from long lists of pictures

Call it what you like,Journalistic,Reportage,Narrative etc etc but the main criteria is we want you to enjoy every single minute of the day and we are there to capture it ALL

Rachel & Dan were real models of this....I could tell they had the best day ever...Looking through the shots we got I am sure they are going to be spoilt for choice when it comes to picking 100 for their storybook album

Anyway here are a selection from yesterday...Enjoy and feel free to leave a comment :-)


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