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Monday, 9 December 2019

Wentbridge House Wedding Photographer I Melissa & James

Absolutely fab and stacks of FUN last weekend for Melissa & James's wedding at Wentbridge House

I started early morning at Wentbridge for some getting ready shots before heading off to Badsworth Church (in badsworth 😂) to be greeted by the loveliest smiley vicar lady (why cant all vicars be like that) she said I was ok to get what I needed and as long as I wasn't 'in her face' everything was good! #legend

After the ceremony we got a few shots and confetti outside the church before heading over to Wentbridge House to carry on the fun and laughter plus my job is to get as many shots as poss in this time as at winter weddings I am always conscious of the light and the lack of it later on in the day, I always think the hardest bit is trying to prise people away from the bar area but a bit of banter and they all played ball!!! (got a few comments later on too from some of the guests saying how they thought I was great and got people to listen, nice one guys)

Massive shout to Melissa & James you were fab and made the day such fun!

Here are just a handful of images whilst we go through the (nearly) 2000 previews


P.s massive shout to Olivia & Dan for today confirming booking their wedding with us in May 2021 at the fab Woodlands Leeds

P.p.s sorry for the lack of blog posts we have quite a few weddings to put on here we have been super busy shooting property photography as we recently introduced this to our business and really enjoying it!



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