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Thursday, 21 December 2017

Halifax Photographer - The Piece Hall Halifax

As we have totally decided we would love to blog more personnel stuff today we tripped off to Halifax to check out all the christmassy vibe all around Halifax town centre and inside the grounds of The Piece Hall where they had seasonal attractions in place for xmas. 

Right in the middle of The Piece Hall they had set up the Totally Tipi for the most cosiest xmas feel ever with a real fire inside plus a bar serving pork pies, mince pies and everything xmas related (are pork pies related to xmas)???

I was just armed with the Panasonic TZ100 shooting in Raw rather than using a DSLR (which has better dynamic range) I wanted to not appear like a photographer, plus the compact size on the Panasonic TZ100 really is great as its literally the size of a mobile phone (just a little bit chunkier). 

One of the beauties of the Panasonic TZ100 (TZ stands for Travel Zoom) is that it shoots in RAW (requiring photoshop to open and process the files) plus the sensor is a lot bigger than usual for such a small camera allowing a lot better image quality especially in low light

Below we have a few images taken earlier today, all hand held and shot on a small, compact travel zoom Panasonic camera all hand held or using various objects close by to rest on

If you enjoyed this personnel blog post please comment below and also if you want to see more?

K x

Fav shot of the day at Halifax Piece Hall


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