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Monday, 20 November 2017

Lifestyle/Family Photography at Cannon Hall Yorkshire - Laura & Roger

I met up yesterday with one of our awesome couples that we shot their wedding way back in 2011 (where does the time go guys) and they booked us for a family/lifestyle shoot and we chose Cannon Hall as I had visited a few weeks earlier for a Halloween pumpkin carving day and thought it looked perfect with lots of places all around the grounds for nice, relaxed family pics.

The session started off with Cole falling over on the way down to meet me (I think he must have been drinking 😂) and this resulted in Laura digging deep into her bag for a plaster which instantly made his hand better (what didn't she have in the bag) check him out holding his poorly hand out in the first few pics, he soon forgot about it though.

We walked down towards Cannon Hall whilst we chatted and Roger dreamed of his man cave with relaxing, soothing music playing in the background (these guys are awesome and all 4 kids are such a credit to them, they really are model parents)

Down at Cannon Hall we spotted a table tennis table so defo had to get a few kinda games in and Cole & Freya were loving the table tennis I think one might be on their Santa list 😁

The weather and light really was perfect and I still had an Autumn vibe and lots of lovely colours all around the wooded area which really did make the best location for one of our lifestyle/family sessions.

Below we have some highlights from yesterdays fun outing with Laura & Roger and their 4 beautiful kids. 

If you would like to book one of our lifestyle/family sessions we have a few real wood frames available (free when you book a session, limited stock now though)

To view the slideshow on your tv through our You Tube channel click HERE

Check out the lifestyle section of our web site HERE and get in touch

We started off with 1 or 2 mishaps! 😂

Promise I won't mention my poorly hand Kev, just get the shot!

Now thats a bottom lip!

Wahoo lets throw some leaves

You think if we hide behind the Table Tennis bats Kev won't see us?

Cant see the ball for the bottom lip?

What if I sit here Kev will I look good? Next Catalogue if you see this get Freya snapped up to model your clothes

Look Kev how big my leaf is?

Freya posing for Next Catalogue

This is what its like in Australia Scarlett? 👭#downunder

Beautiful Family Photography

Look what I got Kev? Lets get some more to put in a jar at home!

Yeah Kev my girlfriend is called Poppy ok I will give her a thumbs up

Hey check me out Kev how cool do I look with my off the shoulder jacket look?

Cole won a round of Table Tennis

Lets break the ice!!! 😂

Cannon Hall

Stunning views looking over the grounds at Cannon Hall

Saw this shot looking out over Castle Hill Huddersfield on the way home so had to add it here 👍

Laura & Roger's gorgeous 13 aperture frame (free with our Lifestyle/Family shoots until stocks last) from their chosen images, to see the full set with options for downloads & print purchase click HERE


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