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Sunday, 15 December 2013

Fun Wedding Photographer - Best of 2013

Well here is a blog post about our journey in 2013 after what has defo been a crazy weekend, chilling out at our fav place in Yorkshire Wentbridge House

After speaking with Laura & Ryan when they had looked through their Loxley 70 page album we got to discussing how they came across us in the first place.

Laura said that they had spoke with a few photographers recently but were struggling to find one to match ' their ' personality.

After our first wedding at Wentbridge House some years ago now with Claire & Chris they were given our info from the management team at Wentbridge House. They were told that we had a right laugh and made everybody look like models!!!

Well I am not sure about that but we always certainly have FUN at every single wedding we shoot

We met up with them and Laura assures us that as soon as we met and after chatting with us they just knew we were totally ' The ONE ' They booked us a few days later :-)

We are finding that now we get couples that seek us out for our own FUN style of Wedding Photography and we have defo seen an increase in our bookings since our brand new WEB SITE created by a lovely guy called Craig that has booked us to shoot his Wedding in 2015

We definitely have developed our own crazy style of Wedding Photography

We ALWAYS have such FUN and defo encourage craziness.
We feel that when you look back on your wedding images in years to come you want to remember your wedding day with a smile and just think of all the magical moments that happen at every single wedding, we like to work in a journalistic style and try to capture all the FUN and LAUGHTER with our own blend of photography style

Thanks to ALL the couples that we have totally rocked their fab Wedding in 2013 and we are so looking forward to 2014, it's defo going to be a busy year!

Here are just a few crazy,quirky,fun,romantic moments from 2013




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