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Sunday, 24 March 2013

West Yorkshire Wedding Photographer

Well what can I say ? Woke up on Saturday morning in a slight panic when I looked out the window and saw how DEEP the snow was :-(

Panic over though as I went to pick up Jenna and we set off to meet with Sarah at her mums where she was to get ready for the day ahead

We were made to feel so welcome by all the family ( always a good sign )

Anyway a few brews later we did what we do best and just got some fab shots of all the action

Met some great fun,friendly people and we got some wicked comments at the end of the eve after our 12 hour day ( yes 12 hour day )

Found the way home,the roads were not too bad ? PHEW

I did say to Jenna I was going to wait till the morning to check out the images but I totally couldn't resist and got some up on our FACEBOOK PAGE that night :-)

Here is just a small selection from yesterday


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