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Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Wentbridge House

Last night we were invited to attend the Wentbridge House Wedding Showcase

As we are one of the recommended photographers at Wentbridge House

We know the staff really well and have become close friends with quite a lot of them

We recommend Wentbridge House for your wedding,The staff are so friendly and the hotel and grounds are beautiful

They have a real reputation for quality and care

They always make you feel special....and unlike some other hotels only EVER have 1 wedding per day.

As these events tend to be very busy this time I took along a Bride that we had shot her wedding a few months previous( as my wife couldn't attend)

Clare you were a superstar...A true legend ! She told all the potential clients how much she loved us...TBF we love them as all of the couples that book us

Here are just a few images from last night


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